Displaying flow bundle bars

To show flow bundle bars, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • At least one filter cross section must be defined for a link or connector (Defining flow bundles and filter cross sections).
  • At least one simulation run for a dynamic assignment has been carried out and the path file is available.
  • The graphic parameter Show flow bundle bars of the network object flow bundle must be selected (Graphic parameters for visualizing the volume on paths with flow bundles).
  • For each link at which flow bundles are shown, select the Link evaluation active attribute. This provides link evaluation segments. These are necessary for displaying flow bundle bars.
  • In the Flow bundles list, in Time intervals column, select the desired entries.
  • The Segment length: attribute of the link defines the subdivision of the link into segments with their own flow bundle volumes. If you change the segment length, you must update the flow bundle volumes. To do so, read in the path file again:
    • ►  On the Traffic menu, click > Dynamic Assignment > Read Paths.

Selecting a flow bundle or filter cross-section

You have the following options to select a flow bundle or filter cross sections and show the corresponding flow bundle bars:

  • Select filter cross-section in the Network editor
  • Select filter cross-section in the Attribute list:
  • In the Attribute list Flow bundles in the Relations list, click Filter cross sections.
  • Make sure synchronization for the Relations list Filter cross sections is selected.
  • Select flow bundle in Attribute list: Make sure synchronization for the Flow bundles list is selected.
Defining the display of flow bundle bars

By default, the display of flow bundle bars is based on the graphic parameters of the flow bundle (Graphic parameters for visualizing the volume on paths with flow bundles).

Alternatively, you can display flow bundle bars based on a color scheme for link bars:

1.  Open the graphic parameters for links (Editing graphic parameters for network objects).

2.  For the graphic parameter Link bar drawing mode, select Link bars only or Links and link bars.

3.  Click Link bar configuration.

The Edit Link Bar window opens.

4.  As Link bar drawing mode, select Segment-based is selected.

5.  Depending on your display requirements, under the Flow bundle volume attribute, select the entry of your choice for Classification by color.

6.  In the Class bounds and colors section, specfiy the desired color scheme.