Defining connectors

You can insert connectors in the network editor, for example between the end of a link and the start of another link. When dragging open a connector, you can set intermediate points and change the direction there. This also allows you to already model complex curves when inserting a connector.

The connector can connect two links that have different z-coordinates. In this case, Vissim calculates the z coordinates of the intermediate points of the connector for a harmonious course with a spline.


  • Overlap the link and the connector as little as possible. This avoids modeling errors.
  • Make sure there is no connector, connecting links with a large difference in altitude (e.g. 0.5 m) over a very short distance (e.g. 1 m), particularly when you select the option Use gradient from z coordinates (Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior).
  • When you open *.inp files of previous Vissim versions, Vissim 6 deletes the two automatically created intermediate points that lie very close to the beginning and end of the connector. This makes it easier for you to select the start and end point of the connector in the Network editor.



1.  On the network object sidebar, click Links.

2.  With the mouse pointer, point to the position in the link at which the connector is to begin.

The edges of the link are marked with arrows in the movement direction.

3.  Press the Ctrl key, hold down the right mouse button, and drag the mouse to the first desired end point of a curve.

Until the whole connector has been inserted, keep the Ctrl key and the right mouse button held down. Use the left mouse button to insert intermediate points.

4.  Hold down the Ctrl key and the right mouse button and click.

5.  Continue to add intermediate points until the connector reaches the position within the link where you want it to end.

In the network editor the connector is shown in color between the two links. The number of intermediate points of the connector just previously created is added to this one. The display type, lane closures and lane change attributes are taken from the From-link. The other attribute values are adopted from the destination link. You can move the intermediate points to model the connector precisely (Editing points in links or connectors). The Connector window opens. A new connector is assigned the attribute Number, which is a number available > 9,999.

6.  Release the keys.

The connector adopts the following destination link attributes:

  • BehaviorType
  • Display type
  • Thickness (3D)
  • Gradient
  • Visualization
  • Show classified values
  • Lane change: No lane change
  • Lane change: Blocked vehicle classes

7.  Edit the attributes (Attributes of connectors).

8.  Confirm with OK.

The attributes are saved in the Links list.

You can recalculate the spline and thus adjust the course of the connector, e.g. after you have moved points (Recalculating the spline).

Superordinate topic:

Modeling connectors

Related topics:

Attributes of connectors