Moving network objects in the Network Editor

In a Network Editor, you can select network objects in the 2D or 3D mode. You can select network objects without having to select the network object type in the network objects sidebar. You can then edit the network objects, e.g. move them in the Network Editor, change attributes in the Quick View, or access functions via the shortcut menu.

If in the Network Editor you point the mouse pointer to a network object, it is highlighted. This makes it easier to select the network. You can then select the network object.

If several network objects are selected, some of which contain intermediate points, for example links, vehicle routes or pedestrian routes, you can move their points without deselecting the network objects. To move the point, the network object type of the network object whose point you want to move must be selected in the network object sidebar.

If you select several hundred network objects in the network editor, Vissim will graphically display only a portion of them as selected. This enables immediate further processing without having to wait for a complete display.

Selecting or deselecting network objects

  • ►  Make the desired changes:
Purpose Description

Selecting a network object

  • Click on a network object which is not selected. When you right-click a network object, the shortcut menu of the Network Editor is opened (Network editor shortcut menu).
  • If network objects have multiple sections, you can click the start section or destination section to e.g. move it or open the shortcut menu.
  • Vehicle routes and pedestrian routes: Click the destination section
  • Public transport lines, vehicle travel time measurements, pedestrian travel time measurements: Click the start section or the destination section
Selecting multiple network objects in the 2D mode


  • Hold the left mouse button down and draw a frame
  • Hold down the Ctrl key and click the network objects
Selecting multiple network objects in the 3D mode Hold down the Ctrl key and click the network objects
Undoing the selection of all network objects


  • Click on an area which is not selected.
  • Right-click in an area that is not selected.
Undoing the selection of individual network objects Hold down the Ctrl key and click the selected network objects you want to deselect.

Network objects selected in the network editor are highlighted. Attribute values are displayed in the QuickView (Using the Quick View).

Note: You can select a synchronization with network editors for lists and other lists. Then network objects that you select are automatically highlighted in the list and network editor (List toolbar).

Examples of visualization of network objects

Network object Not selected Mouse pointer points to network object Selected


Link in wireframe view


Area in

wireframe view

Vehicle during simulation



Highlights the link:

Highlights the vehicle:

Pedestrian during simulation


Highlights the network object:

Highlights the pedestrian:

Visualization of selected network objects that lie on a link in an area

When you select a network object that lies on a link or in an area, the network object as well as the link or area are highlighted. This makes it easier for you to identify the network objects that belong together, particularly if several network objects are lying on top of each other. The highlighted link or area is displayed as shown in the diagram in the table above, in the column Mouse pointer points to network object: The edge of a link is marked by arrows pointing in the direction of travel. The edge of an area is marked by a bold black line.

If you have selected a vehicle route, its is marked as a yellow band. When you zoom out of the map, Vissim displays the yellow band wide enough for you to identify the vehicle route.