Importing the *.rcf file

You can export a route coordinate file (*.rcf) from Visum and export it into Vissim.

1.  In Vissim, on the File menu, click > Import > Routes (coordinates).

The Route import (coordinates) window opens.

2.  Select the *.rcf route file of your choice.

3.  Click on Open.

The Route import (coordinates) window opens.

4.  Select the desired entries.

Routing section

If your Vissim version does not include a license for the dynamic assignment add-on module, there will be no routing options available. Modeling path selection in the Vissim network is then based on static routing decisions, static routing and vehicle inputs.

Element Description

Static routing

Modeling path selection in the Vissim network is based on static routing decisions, static routing and vehicle inputs (Modeling vehicle routing decision, vehicle routes and partial vehicle routes), (Modeling vehicle inputs for private transportation).

Dynamic assignment

Modeling path selection in the Vissim network is based on dynamic assignment (Using dynamic assignment). You must have a license for the add-on module.

Usage of network objects section

Use matching existing network objects and create missing ones:

 If this option and Dynamic Traffic Data are selected, Vissim checks whether there are vehicle route-specific network objects such as static vehicle routes, static vehicle routing decisions, vehicle inputs with volumes and allocated zones in the Vissim network that correspond to those stored in the*.rcf file. When dynamic assignment is performed, for OD matrices, parking lots,zones and the path file *.weg. If Vissim finds the corresponding network object, it is used. Otherwise, Vissim defines the network object. Thereby the following applies:

  • If in the Vissim network, the network object has been placed at the same position as specified by the coordinates in the *.rcf file for the network object and the number of the allocated zone also matches, then the network object is adopted from Vissim. The existing network object is not overwritten. To replace the existing network object with route import data, delete the network object before you import the route.
  • If in the Vissim network, the network object has not yet been positioned as defined in the *.rcf file, Vissim will define the network object and insert a cross-section.
  • If in Vissim, this network object has not been allocated to a zone, Vissim will allocate it to a zone based on the data in the *.rcf file:
  • for static vehicle routes in the Destination zone attribute
  • for static vehicle routing decisions in the Zone attribute
  • for vehicle inputs in the Zone attribute

Select Use matching existing network objects and create missing ones in the following cases:

  • When you import routes into a Vissim network for the first time and you want Vissim to create vehicle route-specific network objects.
  • When you re-import routes into a Vissim network and you want Vissim to define newly added vehicle route-specific network objects and retain the existing ones.

Deselect the option Use matching existing network objects and create missing ones when you re-import routes and do not want Vissim to define new vehicle route-specific network objects. Existing vehicle route-specific network objects are then retained. This is useful, for example, when all vehicle route-specific network objects have been defined and allocated to zones, you have used different parameters in Visum to calculate the PrT assignment, which has resulted in new volumes and you only want to allocate those to the vehicle inputs in Vissim.

Use existing network objects only:

 If this option is selected, Vissim will not define any new network objects or cross-sections. Vissim replaces vehicle routing decisions and vehicle routes in the Vissim network that correspond to the network objects in the *.rcf file. This procedure is based on the positions of the vehicle routing decisions in the Vissim network, the positions of the cross sections of vehicle routes and the identically allocated numbers of the zones.

Parameters for coordinate assignment section

Standard deviation of the cost function

Standard deviation of the catch probability when allocating route locations: The standard deviation is used as a factor in the valuation function that Vissim uses to allocate a route location to a link. The greater the distance between the route location and the point on the link nearest to the route location, the less likely it is that the route location is located on the link. The difference in the evaluation of nearby and distant routes decreases with a higher value of the Standard deviation of the cost function. Default 50.00 m

Snap radius

Maximum distance between a route location and the point on the link closest to the route location to consider the route location as being located on the route. A larger snap radius increases the number of links on which the route location can be located. Default 80.00 m

Maximum number of candidate links

Maximum number of links considered for a given route location. Links can be imported faster by reducing the value. This might have the effect that suitable links are removed from the set of route candidates. Default 100
Allocating vehicle types in a table

Vehicle type in file

Vehicle type saved from Visum to an *.rcf file

Vehicle type in Vissim the network

From the currently open Vissim network, select the vehicle type that corresponds to the vehicle type listed in Visum, in the Vehicle type file column.

5.  Confirm with OK.

Vissim imports routes. Vissim redefines network objects or overwrites existing vehicle route-specific network objects or network objects of dynamic assignment. Relevant network objects to which no zone has been assigned will not be affected by route import. Vissim generates vehicle routes, vehicle routing decisions, vehicle inputs and vehicle compositions without naming them.

By default, you can edit the Vissim network.

6.  Check the network objects whose names and data were created or edited through data import to ensure that they still meet your simulation requirements.

7.  Save the Vissim network file.

Superordinate topic:

Importing routes