Mapping Vissim network to background position

You can define a point in the live map as a reference point and assign the corresponding coordinate from Vissim.

Assignment is possible for an existing Vissim network. Thereby you assign a point of your Vissim network to a corresponding point in the live map. Vissim scales and moves the live map to the corresponding position of the Vissim network. The coordinates of both reference points are shown in the network settings.

The assignment does not change the arrangement of the network objects or their dimensions.

Note: Avoid using the Move network function to assign the background map and Vissim network (Moving the network). This will avoid wrong scaling. Take the following steps to assign the live map:

Assigning coordinates in the live map

1.  Make sure that the desired live map is shown (Activating live maps from the Internet).

By default, background maps can show a very large section of the map. It may therefore be necessary to zoom deep into the live map and shift it a long way until your Vissim network and the desired map section are displayed.

2.  Zoom in on your Vissim network until you reach an enlargement where your Vissim network is shown in enough detail to allow you to assign the coordinates with the desired accuracy.

3.  Right-click on the reference position in your Vissim network that you want to assign to a point on the live map.

4.  On the shortcut menu, click Map this Point to Background Position.

The mouse pointer becomes a cross. A preview shows the selected network objects and makes it easier to map them.

5.  Move the mouse pointer to the desired point in the live map.

6.  Click on the point.

The Vissim network is positioned over the desired location on the live map. The coordinates of Vissim and the live map are assigned. You can also assign the coordinates again.

7.  If desired, check the coordinates in the network settings (Showing reference points).

If, for example, by moving the network the coordinates of the network's reference point are outside the network, Vissim resets the reference point to the middle of the network.

Superordinate topic:

Using live maps from the Internet