Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions

  • ►  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Static Routing Decisions.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description

Number of static vehicle routing decision


Name of static vehicle routing decision


Number of the link on which the static routing decision is located


Location: Distance to the beginning of link or connector


If the option is selected, all vehicle types follow the static vehicle routing decision.

The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that automatically includes all new vehicle types and vehicle types that have not been assigned a vehicle class yet.

VehClasses Valid vehicle classes

Route choice method for static vehicle routing decision:

  • Static (default value): Route choice is made based on the Relative volume attribute of the vehicle route.
  • Formula: Route choice is based on a user-defined formula. Using the formula, you calculate the share of vehicles for the vehicle route depending on the attributes and attribute values of the vehicles.

Combine static routing decision: Combines this routing decision with static routes that end on the same link before (Combining static routes). You therefore prevent vehicles from recognizing an imminent required change of lanes only when passing the next routing decision and therefore artificially causing queues.

Vissim checks at the start of the simulation for all vehicle routes, whether on the previous link of the vehicle route there is still a further routing decision downstream of the end of the route, for which the option Combine static routing decision is selected. If this is the case, Vissim will combine the routes if the following conditions are met:

  • There are no static routing decisions in between, where the Combine static routing decision option is not selected.

  • For both routing decisions, either the All vehicle types attribute is selected or the same vehicle classes are selected in the Vehicle classes attribute.

Then, when a vehicle passes the first routing decision, it already decides on the route it will choose when it passes the second routing decision. The vehicle already considers this subsequent route for lane changes on the first route, if the vehicle uses a driving behavior in which the attribute Vehicle routing decisions look ahead is selected when passing the first routing decision (Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior).

If node routes are e.g. imported from PTV Vistro with ANM import, ANM Import automatically selects this attribute.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

2.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.

3.  Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated.