Attributes of static 3D models

Attributes of static 3D models may also be changed during a simulation run.

1.  On the Lists menu, click > Graphics & Presentation > Static 3D Models.

The Static 3D Models list opens.

By default, you can edit the list (Using lists).

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The list contains, amongst others, the following attributes:

Short name Long name Description


Model filename

Name of file of the static 3D model



Level at which the static 3D model lies


Coordinate (x)

Coordinate (x) of the position of the static 3D model in the network


Coordinate (y)

Coordinate (y) of the position in the network


Coordinate (z-Offset)

Base height of the static 3D model across the level



Zoom in or out of the static 3D model in the Network editor, default value 1


Yaw angle

Yaw angle: angle of rotation around z axis


Pitch angle

Angle of rotation around the y-axis


Roll angle

Angle of rotation around the x-axis


Current animation (3D)

Name of animation currently used for the relevant 3D model This allows you to access the animation with attribute modifications, attribute decisions, or scripts.


Pause animation (3D)

3D animation maintains its current state until Pause animation is deactivated.


Reverse playback animation (3D)

The 3D animation reverses playback to the start of its first state and stops. For example, you can use it to model a door opening and closing again, based on a static 3D model.


Loop animation (3D)

After the current 3D animation has reached its final state, it starts again from the beginning. Otherwise, the animation returns to and remains its default state, unless Retain final animation state (3D) has been activated.


Retain final animation state (3D)

The current 3D animation stops when it has reached its final state and remains in it, unless Loop animation has been activated.


Animation speed

Factor for scaling the animation speed.

  • Value > 1: The animation runs faster. Depending on the selected value and the simulation parameter Simulation resolution you cannot display every single state. The display may appear less fluid.
  • Value < 1: The animation runs slower. As a result, each individual state is displayed for a longer time The display may appear less fluid.


Number of states (total)

Total number of states of all animation sequences of the 3D model Example: If the 3D model of a barrier has 40 states each for opening and closing and one state for closed, the Number of states (total) = 81.



Number of state you want to display the static 3D model in. When reading the file of a static 3D model containing an animation, it is decomposed into 20 states per simulation second. Up to 20 states can be displayed per simulation second, depending on the value of the Simulation resolution parameter. Its maximum value is 20. If the calculation frequency is less than 20 and less than the number of states stored per simulation second, not all states will be displayed.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists.

1.  In the list on the left, click the desired entry.

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (Using coupled lists):

  • Animation sequences: Name and Number of states of each animation sequence of the selected static 3D model.