Defining managed lane facilities

1.  On the Traffic menu, click > Managed Lanes Facilities.

The Managed Lanes Facilities list opens.

Note: In lists, you can use the  Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute values (Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list).

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists.

2.  In the list, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.

This line contains the decision model default values for the cost coefficient, the time coefficient and base utility.

3.  Enter the desired name.

4.  If desired, edit further attribute values in the row.

Element Description

The update interval specifies how often the travel times and therefore travel time savings and average speed, as well as toll charges are recalculated. Travel times and tolls apply to the current update interval and will only be recalculated when a new update interval begins.

For the recalculation of the toll charge, apart from the update interval, user-defined time can be considered: After recalculation at a user-defined time, the update interval will be used again for the next recalculation (Modeling vehicle inputs for private transportation).

The parameters LogitA, CostCoeffDef, TmCoeffDef, BaseUtilDef are included in the Logit model. The Logit model is used as a basis for calculating the probability of a decision to use a managed lane (Defining decision model for managed lane facilities).

5.  Change the values LogitA, CostCoeffDef, TmCoeffDef and BaseUtilDef depending on your use case and the length of the managed lane route:

Element Description

Logit alpha: default value: 0.05. This value applies to all vehicle classes of the decision model.


Using Logit alpha = 0.05, a difference of 20 between the two routes results in a probabilities ratio for choosing the routes of 1:2.718 (1:e).

Using Logit alpha = 0.05, a difference of 40 between the two routes results in a probabilities ratio for choosing the routes of 1:7.389 (1:e²).

Using Logit alpha = 0.10, a difference of 20 between the two routes results in a probabilities ratio for choosing the routes of 1:7.389 (1:e²).


Cost coefficient (default): value is optional depending on vehicle class.

Use value ≤ 0 to model the impact of the charged cost. Default value -1.00.


Time coefficient (default): value is optional depending on vehicle class.

Use value ≥ 0 to model the impact of the travel time saving. Default value 0.40.


Base utility (default): value is optional depending on vehicle class. Default 0.0



  • The ratio of the coefficients Utility Coefficient Toll and Utility Coefficient Time is decisive for modeling real traffic conditions. With the default values Utility Coefficient Toll = -1 and Utility Coefficient Time = 0.4, one monetary unit is worth as much as a travel time saving of 2.5 min.
  • The default values ​​are used for vehicles of a type, which does not belong to the specified vehicle classes. If a vehicle type belongs to several of the specified vehicle classes, the values used are those for the smallest vehicle class belonging to the vehicle type.
  • If the travel time on the managed lane route is greater than on the general purpose route, the result is a negative travel time saving. In this case, the travel time saving = 0 is used.

In the next steps, in the list on the left, you can select a managed lane. In the list on the right, edit the objects assigned to it or you can assign objects depending on the relation selected.

6.  On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry:

7.  In the list on right, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.

8.  If desired, edit further attribute values in the row.

The data is allocated.

You can save the data to a file (Saving managed lane data to a file).

Note: When you delete a managed lane facility which is associated with a managed lanes routing decision, the routing decision is no longer complete. The routing decision will not be deleted. However, the routing decision cannot anymore be considered in the simulation.