Editing functions and distributions of a vehicle type

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Vehicle Types.

The list of defined network objects for the network object type opens.

2.  Click the desired vehicle type.

3.  Right-click in the list.

4.  On the shortcut menu, click Edit.

The Vehicle type window opens.

5.  Select the Functions & Distributions tab.

6.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Maximum Acceleration

Desired Acceleration

Maximum Deceleration

Desired Deceleration

Define the accelerations and decelerations of that vehicle type (Defining acceleration and deceleration functions).


The weight distributions are active only for vehicle types of Category HGV and also, if an external model is selected (Using weight distributions)


The power distributions are active only for vehicle types of category HGV and also, if an external model is selected (Using power distributions).


Defines the number of persons (including the driver) in a vehicle

7.  Confirm with OK.

Superordinate topic:

Using vehicle types