Importing openDRIVE network *.xodr

You can select an *.xodr openDRIVE file and import it into an empty *.inpx Vissim network file. Alternatively, you can import the openDrive file via the COM interface.

When data import is started, Vissim validates the *.xodr file against the OpenDRIVE standard via the schema files . The row and column of non-conforming data are displayed in a message. Vissim also shows invalid data in corresponding messages.

openDRIVE reference line

During data import, Vissim uses the openDRIVE reference line as a basis to define links and connectors. When doing so, it takes openDRIVE types of the reference line into account:

  • straight line
  • spiral
  • arc
  • cubic polynomial
openDRIVE Elevation Profile

In addition, Vissim adopts the Z-coordinates of the links and connectors created by Vissim from the openDRIVE Elevation Profiles of the link sections. In the network settings for vehicle behavior, Vissim selects the option Z-coordinates for Link gradient based on (Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior)

openDRIVE connection information from lane sections

To set up the Vissim network, Vissim uses data from the openDRIVE file: Vissim creates a link based on every lane section. Vissim connects these links via connectors. For turns, Vissim also uses the junction information from openDRIVE.

For links and connectors, Vissim sets the default attribute values and generates lanes. Intermediate points in links and connectors are applied and set at least 0.5 m apart. Conflict areas are generated by Vissim at the default locations (Using conflict areas).

Accounting for link width
  • If the width of an OpenDRIVE link varies less than 0.25 m, Vissim will insert a link of the same width as at the beginning of the OpenDRIVE link.
  • If the width of an OpenDRIVE link varies more than 0.25 m, Vissim will insert a connector, as well as a 1.1 m long link at the beginning and end of the connector. These links will have the same width as the openDRIVE link defined for this position. The width of the connector is interpolated from the widths of these two links. At pockets and narrowings Vissim sets the length of this connector depending on the length of the lane section where the width changes significantly.
Imported network is located

The element geoReference is imported from the OpenDRIVE file, in which proj-strings specify position data. Vissim uses this to locate the imported network on the background map.

Objects that are not considered

Vissim does not generate any additional network objects and does not adopt any additional data from the openDRIVE file:

  • Vissim does not generate nodes.
  • Vissim does not adopt the following data:
  • Signalization information
  • Lane markings
  • Lane change
  • Lane closures
  • Speed limits

Importing an *.xodr file and displaying the Vissim network

1.  In Vissim, on the File menu, click > Import > openDRIVE.

The openDRIVE-Import window opens.

2.  Select the *.xodr file of your choice.

3.  Click Open.

A new openDRIVE-Import window opens. You can select whether Vissim should take into account the traffic regulations for left-hand traffic or right-hand traffic when driving.

4.  Click the desired entry.

Vissim creates a Vissim network based on the openDRIVE data imported. In the network editor, the Vissim network is centered on the intersection of the equator and the international zero meridian. By default, you can edit the Vissim network. In the network settings, the selected traffic regulation is activated (Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior).

5.  Save the Vissim network file.

6.  Check the attributes of the network objects Vissim defined during data import.

7.  If desired, edit the attributes.

openDRIVE beads in Vissim - Overview

Vissim uses the following openDRIVE beads:

header Vissim verifies the version of the openDRIVE file based on revMajor and revMinor. In particular openDRIVE files from version 1.5 on may contain elements that can lead to import errors. If during data import Vissim finds elements in the openDRIVE file that cannot be imported, a message is displayed and you can cancel the data import.
road::link::predecessor Connector
road::link::successor Connector
road::planview::geometry Vissim uses subtypes to create link polygons.


If in a lane section the subobject lane is present, then depending on the positive or negative index of the lane section, Vissim will generate a link with a lane for one direction or a link with two lanes, one per direction. For a lane section with a positive index, Vissim will create a link with one lane for the opposite direction.

Vissim considers and imports lanes of the following types:

  • driving
  • entry
  • exit
  • offRamp
  • onRamp
  • roadWorks
  • tram
  • rail
  • biking Connector Connector
...width The width is defined as a constant based on the width of the lane in Vissim which is closer to the reference line than the imported lane. The width is not defined as a polynomial. If the width of the imported lane is < 1 m, Vissim will set the width to 1 m.
junction Vissim creates connectors to turns based on links. Vissim does not create nodes. predecessor and successor data from the bead junction are not processed.