Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior

1.  On the Base Data menu, click > Network Settings.

2.  Select the Vehicle Behavior tab.

3.  Make the desired changes:

Element Description

Link gradient based on

  • Attribute 'Gradient': For driving behavior, the static gradient entered for the link during simulation is used. The z coordinates of the link section are ignored.
  • Z-coordinates: If this option is selected, during simulation the current gradient for driving behavior is always calculated from the z-coordinates of the link section on which the front edge of the vehicle is located. The given static gradient of the link is thereby ignored.

Note: When selecting the option Z-coordinates, make sure there is no connector, connecting links with a large difference in altitude (e.g. 0.5 m) over a very short distance (e.g. 1 m).

Traffic regulations

Controls the creation of opposite lanes, bus bays, and the driving behavior on freeways with a right/left side rule based on the selected traffic regulation:

  • Right-side traffic
  • Left-side traffic

If you change the traffic regulations and under Driving behavior, Lateral behavior, Desired position at free flow, the attribute values Right or Left are selected, Vissim will change the attribute value Right to Left and Left to Right (Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior).

Specific power for HGV

Power-to-weight ratio of vehicles of the category HGV in [kW/t], with t = metric ton:

  • Minimum: Lower limit of specific power. Default: 7.00, value range 1 to 10
  • Maximum: Upper limit of specific power. Default 30.00, value range 11 s to 1,000

If you change the settings, the simulation results change even if there is no vehicle that has exceeded the upper limit or fallen below the lower limit. Vissim uses the upper and lower limits for interpolation. Then the maximum acceleration for all trucks can change and thus the simulation results.

Superordinate topic:

Selecting network settings