Exporting nodes and edges for visualization in Visum

After dynamic assignment, you can export the network and the paths from dynamic assignment for visualization in Visum. You can graphically represent and analyze paths and volume in Visum. Vissim creates the following files in the process:

  • Visum version file *.ver
  • Visum network file *.net
  • several Visum route files *.rim

The data of the network file and route files is also contained in the version file.

1.  Open the desired network in Vissim.

2.  Make sure that a dynamic assignment was performed.

3.  On the File menu, click > Export > PTV Visum (Nodes/Edges).

The PTV Visum Export window opens.

4.  Select For visualization in Visum (with Vissim paths).

5.  Click the button .

6.  Specify a directory and a file name for the version file *.ver.

Note: You can specify only the directory and the file name for the version file. Parallel to the file *.ver, this export creates a Visum network file *.net and several Visum route files *.rim.

7.  Confirm with OK.


  • A Visum matrix file *.mtx is generated for the export from the total demand of the Vissim matrices. Only the demand in the export time interval (start time of the simulation + simulation time) is taken into account for data export (Defining simulation parameters). If a Vissim matrix is not completely in the export time interval, only the share which lies in the export time interval is exported. The demand is combined. Thus you do not obtain separate matrices for the various Vissim vehicle types and vehicle classes.
  • Route import files are exported only if the Vissim cost files and path files are available because route import files contain the resulting routes and volumes from the dynamic assignment. A separate file *.rim is generated for each calculation interval of the dynamic assignment.



  • If no cost files and path files exist, a warning is issued and only the network data and matrix data is exported.
  • Closures of edges or connectors for vehicle classes are transferred to Visum. Thus they can be taken into account for an assignment. Visum does not use any paths by default that are not also possible in Vissim. This excludes disjoint parallel edges between two Vissim nodes that assume different turn relations or lead to different turn relations. These are subsequently exported as a common edge to Visum. This can lead the assignment in Visum to paths which cannot be used in Vissim.


Tip: You will find additional information on the subject of Importing routes in Visum in the Visum Help, in the section Using interfaces for data exchange.

Superordinate topic:

Exporting data