Selecting network settings
You can select the network default settings.
- Vehicle behavior: Use gradient from z-coordinate and right-hand traffic or left-hand traffic (Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior)
- Pedestrian behavior: Define settings for pedestrian behavior (Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior)
- Units: Select metric or imperial to display the units for length, speed and acceleration (Selecting network settings for units)
- Attributes: Select separator and string length for indirect attributes that are linked using the Aggregate function Concatenate (Selecting network settings for attribute concatenation)
- Display: Specify display settings for arrow of 3D signal heads during red & amber signal, set angle of compass rose to the north direction, show coordinates of reference points in the background maps (Selecting network settings for 3D signal heads), (Showing reference points), (Selecting angle towards north)
- Standard types:
- For elevators and elevator groups, specify standard types for display types and area behavior types (Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups)
- for the time a vehicle remains in standstill, between backing out of a parking lot and driving forward after it has left the parking lot: Standard time distribution for the attribute Direction change duration distribution of the parking lot.
- Driving simulator: Activate interface to your external driving simulator. Select vehicle type and/or pedestrian type you want to control (Network settings for the driving simulator).
Superordinate topic:
Information on editing:
Defining link behavior types for links and connectors
Selecting network settings for vehicle behavior
Selecting network settings for pedestrian behavior
Selecting network settings for units
Selecting network settings for attribute concatenation
Selecting network settings for 3D signal heads
Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups
Network settings for standard type of direction change duration distribution