Using time distributions
You can use dwell time distributions for:
- Stop delays on parking lots, which you specify for routing decisions of the type Parking Lot per time interval (Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions)
- Waiting times at toll counters through stop signs, such as managed lanes and border crossings
- PT stops: For PT vehicles, such as bus or tram, you thereby give in this way the time required to allow passengers to board and alight. If the method for calculating the boarding and alighting times is not used, the dwell time distribution in Vissim must be assigned to every PT stop or railway station.
- Set the time in which a vehicle remains in standstill, between backing out of a parking lot and driving forward after it has left the parking lot. This time period is defined by the attribute Direction change duration distribution of the parking lot (Attributes of parking lots). Default value: time distribution 5 s with lower bound 0.00, upper bound 15.00, standard deviation 1.00, average value 5.00.
The probability increases up to the maximum dwell time defined and then reaches the value 1.
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