Structure of lists



(1) Title bar

  • Name of list
  •  Auto Hide: Hide and show lists
  •  Close list
(2) Toolbar

(3) Column header

  • Short name of attribute
  • Sort, move and mark columns
  • Functions are available via the shortcut menu (Editing lists and data via the shortcut menu)
  • To open a quick info with an attribute description, point the mouse pointer to the attribute name in the column header.
  • Right-click the column header to select the data in the column.
  • Filter column data to display only data that matches the filter criterion (Filtering data of a column).
(4) Data

Attribute values. Functions are available via the shortcut menu.

If you point to the first column of a list with the cursor, the row number is shown.

(5) Orange cells Data is selected in one or more cells, rows or columns, and can, for example, be copied or changed.

White cells

Values you can change, e.g. of input attributes

  • In cells for selecting values, the button is shown when you click in the cell.
  • For cells that allow the direct entry of values, click the cell and enter the data.

Gray cells

Values of calculated attributes or result attributes. You cannot change them.

(6) Hatched cells

Values of irrelevant attributes with no impact due to the values of other attributes, e.g. a Wiedemann 74 parameter, when for a driving behavior, the type Wiedemann 99 is selected.

(7) Red, green, yellow cells

Only for conflict areas (Defining the right of way at conflict areas)

(8) Cells with list boxes

For some attributes, in the cells, in list boxes, you can select or add attribute values.

  • If you point the cursor to a cell that contains a selection list, the button is displayed.
  • Click the symbol to select attribute values in the list box or click Add to define a new attribute.

Tip: If no cell is selected, alternatively, double-click a cell. A list box opens. Select the entry of your choice.

Note: Do not double-click a cell that is already selected! By doing so, you add the first entry of the list box into the cell.

(9) Options

Some cells of attributes contain a list of options that allows you to select or add attribute values. Options will be displayed, if the selection of multiple entries is allowed.

If this option is selected, the entry is considered.

(10) Tab

When multiple lists are open, they are shown as tabs. You can thus quickly show the desired list in the foreground.

Tip: Alternatively you can press Ctrl+Tab. You thus switch between open lists and Network Editors.

If the column width prevents the display of the entire text in a field, Vissim cuts off the text and indicates the missing text using omission points: "..."