Files with results of traffic flow simulation
Extension |
Name |
Description |
*.att | Attribute file | Output file with static attributes and/or result attributes (List toolbar), (Performing evaluations). |
*.err |
Runtime warnings |
Error messages and warnings from the last simulation run. If several simulation runs have been performed, multiple files whose names each contain a simulation run number (Checking the runtime warnings in the file *.err). |
*.fhz |
Vehicles |
List of all vehicles with information on when and where they were used at what speed in the network (Saving vehicle input data to a file) |
*.fzp |
Vehicle record |
Evaluation of vehicle data (Saving vehicle record to a file or database) |
*.knr |
Node evaluation (raw data) |
Output of raw data of node evaluation (Evaluating nodes) |
*.ldp |
Signal controller detector record |
Evaluation file for a VS-PLUS signal controller (Evaluating signal controller detector records) |
*.lsa |
Signal changes |
Chronologically sorted file of the signal state changes of all signal controllers (Evaluating signal changes) |
*.lzv |
Signal controller time distributions |
Release durations and closure periods of signal groups of all signal controllers (Saving signal controller green time distribution to a file) |
*.mdb | Database output | Database outputs (Saving evaluations in databases) |
*.mer |
Data collection (raw data) |
Raw data of data collections (Evaluating data collection measurements) |
*.merP |
Area measurements (raw data) |
Raw data of area measurements of pedestrian simulation (Evaluating pedestrian areas with area measurements) |
*.mle |
Managed lanes evaluation |
Vehicles on managed lane route and general purpose route, with aggregated data (Saving managed lane data to a file) |
*.ovw |
Public transport waiting times |
Waiting times of PT vehicles not due to own boarding and alighting, for example, waiting on signal controller or behind other PT vehicles (Saving PT waiting time data to a file) |
*.pp |
Pedestrian record |
Result attributes of pedestrian movements (Saving pedestrian record to a file or database) |
*.rsr |
Travel times (raw data) |
Record of completed travel time measurements in chronological order (Evaluating vehicle travel time measurements) |
*.rsrP |
Pedestrian travel time (raw data) |
Record of completed travel time measurements in chronological order from the pedestrian simulation (Evaluating pedestrian travel time measurements) |
*.spw |
Lane changes |
Record lane change location and time (Saving lane change data to a file) |
*.trc |
Trace |
Trace outputs which were created by VAP logic (Add-on module Traffic-dependent VAP Programming) |
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