Starting a script file manually

You may run script files manually that have been selected in the attributes of scripts. This also applies to scripts that run script files automatically and have the following attribute values:

  • Before simulation start
  • After simulation start
  • At time step start
  • At time step end
  • Before simulation end
  • After simulation end

Scripts with the Run type attribute Manually can only be started manually, not automatically.

1.  Ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • The Vissim network model is complete, so that a simulation can be started.
  • The simulation parameters have been defined (Defining simulation parameters).
  • The script file of your choice has been defined and saved to the desired directory.
  • At least one script has been defined for the desired script file (Defining scripts).
  • In the script, in the Script file attribute, the script file is selected.

2.  On the Actions menu, click > Event-Based Scripts.

The Scripts table is opened.

You can either start the script immediately or at a chose time during the simulation. To run the script file at the time of your choice, perform the simulation in Simulation single step mode.

3.  If desired, start the simulation (Selecting the number of simulation runs and starting simulation).

4.  In the Scripts table, right-click the entry of your choice.

5.  On the shortcut menu, click Run script.

6.  If you want to stop the script file, on the Actions menu, click > Stop Running Script.

Superordinate topic:

Using event based script files