Defining scripts

1.  On the Actions menu, click > Event-Based Scripts.

The Scripts table is opened.

2.  Make the desired changes:

Short name Long name Description
No Number

Unique number

Name Name

Name of script

RunType Type of execution

Run type: Time at which the script is to be called and executed. If you define several scripts to be run at the same time, the scripts are executed in the sequence of their numbering.

  • Manually: The script is not automatically called during the simulation. You call the script at the time of your choice (Starting a script file manually).
  • Before simulation start
  • After simulation start
  • At time step start
  • At time step end
  • Before simulation end
  • After simulation end
FromTime From time

Selecting a time step of simulation: Time at which the script is executed for the first time

ToTime To time

Selecting a time step of simulation: Time at which the script is executed for the last time

Period Period

Selecting the length of time intervals (number of time steps) for simulation

Scope Scope

Time period during which the script remains active and is not automatically deactivated:

  • Simulation run: Leave script open during the entire simulation run and in it, call user-defined functions, depending on the Function name attribute
  • Single call: Always run the entire script
ScriptFile Script file

Selecting a script file for the script from a directory

FctName Function name

Name of the function or subprogram executed. This option is enabled when for the Scope attribute, the time range Simulation run is selected.

If you have selected the run type Manually, run the script at the time of your choice (Starting a script file manually). If you have defined other run types, the scripts are run automatically.

Superordinate topic:

Using event based script files