Continue using a chart

You can save a chart in a graphic file or copy it to the clipboard. This allows you to use the chart in other programs, for example for presentations.

Saving a chart in a graphic file

You can save a chart in a graphic file in one of the following formats:

  • bmp
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • tiff

1.  On the toolbar of the Chart - <network object type> window, click the Export image (Screenshot) button .

2.  To use the chart in another program, copy the graphic file to the clipboard and paste it in the target program.

Copying a chart to the clipboard

You can save a chart to the clipboard as an image in the *.jpeg file format.

1.  On the toolbar of the Chart - <network object type> window, click the Copy image to clipboard button .

2.  To use the chart in another program, paste it from the clipboard in the target program.

Superordinate topic:

Creating charts

Related topics:

Presenting data

Chart toolbar