Starting video recording

1.  Ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • At least one camera position is stored in a keyframe (Saving camera positions). If multiple camera positions are assigned, they were all defined either in 2D mode or all in 3D mode. In a storyboard, a combination is not possible.
  • You have saved at least one storyboard (Using storyboards and keyframes).
  • The storyboard has been assigned at least one keyframe.
  • In the keyframe, the attributes Start time, Dwell time, Transition type and Transition time are defined and have been assigned a camera position.

2.  In the Storyboards list, click the storyboards of your choice and select  RecVideo (Record Video).

3.  On the Presentation menu, click > Record Videos.

In the Presentation menu, Record Videos is marked with .

4.  Start the simulation (Running a simulation).

The simulation starts. If the Preview option has been selected for the storyboard, a window opens in which the movie is shown. The video file is recorded during the simulation run. At the end of the simulation, the video file is saved to the same directory as the *.inpx network file.

5.  To stop recording before the end of the simulation run, on the Presentation menu, click > Record Videos.

In the Presentation menu, Record Videos is deactivated. The attribute RecVideo (Record Video) of the storyboard is deactivated.

6.  To stop the simulation, on the Simulation toolbar, click the Stop button .

Note: The recording of a video file may take considerably longer than a simulation in 3D mode, particularly if 3D-Anti-Aliasing is selected in the Presentation menu. This option corresponds to the Anti-aliasing option under User Preferences.