Recording settings

Vissim generates video files that are played at a default rate of 20 frames per second. As each simulation time step generates exactly one picture, the playback speed depends on the number of time steps per simulation second: With a simulation resolution of 10 time steps, which is recommended, the playback speed is twice as fast as real time. If you choose to use only one time step per simulation second, the playback speed is 20 times faster than real time.

Note: Please note that changing the simulation resolution has an impact on the behavior of vehicles and pedestrians and thus might lead to different simulation results.

In addition to the default settings for recording, optional settings are available (Selecting the 3D mode and 3D recording settings):

  • Anti-aliasing: Reduces the occurrence of step formation
  • Background texture compression: Compresses textures for backgrounds. This can enable recording even if there is insufficient video memory.