Define conditions for the procedure sequence
You can attach conditions to the execution of individual procedures or groups of procedures. The condition is formulated as a formula, whereby the value must be considered fulfilled for the procedure to be executed. A value greater than 0 is considered fulfilled.
The default entry for the Condition column is an empty field, which is interpreted as "true".
Possible applications are:
- You want to calculate two different models, one for the morning and one for the afternoon, with part of the procedure sequence being the same for both parts of the day.
- You want to calculate special use cases:
- Just the assignment
- Without demand
- Test runs
- You would like to allocate special demand
Note: You cannot use conditions for the following procedures:
1. Open the Procedure sequence window (Opening the procedure sequence).
2. Make sure that the Condition column is displayed (Selecting attributes for the Procedure sequence window).
3. Click the symbol in the row of the desired procedure or group.
4. In the Edit formula window, enter the condition for executing the procedure as a formula. The result must be true or false.
Note: A procedure is executed precisely when it and all groups in the hierarchy above are active and the condition is fulfilled at the time the procedure is executed. If a group is not active or the condition of a group is not fulfilled, the entire group and all subgroups are skipped. If a group is active and the condition is fulfilled, all the procedures and subgroups within the group that are active and whose condition in turn is fulfilled are executed. If a procedure or group is not active, the corresponding condition is ignored. The default entry for the condition is an empty field. The condition is then considered fulfilled. |
5. Confirm with OK.
6. If necessary, add the columns Current value of condition and Number of skipped executions to obtain the relevant information on the condition created.