Deleting chained up vehicle journey sections
Deleting single forced chainings
1. Open the Line block editor (Opening the Line block editor).
2. In the block view, right-click the icon of the forced chaining you would like to delete (Opening the Line block editor).
3. Press Del.
The forced chaining is deleted immediately.
Deleting selected chained up vehicle journey sections
1. Open the Line block editor. In the Block view, right-click the desired block item with chained up vehicle journey sections(Opening the Line block editor).
The context menu opens.
2. Select the Edit forced chainings entry.
The Edit chained up vehicle journey section for vehicle journey section <...> window opens.
Tips: Alternatively, you can open the window as follows: In the tabular or graphical timetable, or in the list of vehicle journey sections, right-click the desired vehicle journey section and select Edit chained up vehicle journey sections. Via the |
3. In the list, click the chained up vehicle journey sections of your choice.
4. Click the Delete chained up vehicle journey section button.
5. Confirm with OK.
The chained up vehicle journey sections are deleted.
Deleting all or all invalid forced chainings or passenger trip chains
You can execute the functionality for all or all active vehicle journeys.
1. If necessary, set the vehicle journeys active (Using filters to set network objects active or passive) for which you want to delete forced chainings or passenger trip chains.
The selected vehicle journeys are active.
2. In the Network window, right-click the Lines button.
The Lines shortcut menu opens.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Delete forced chainings or Delete passenger trip chains.
The Delete forced chainings/passenger trip chains window opens.
4. Select whether you want to delete the forced chainings or passenger trip chains for all or all active vehicle journeys.
5. If desired, activate the options Delete only invalid forced chainings and Delete only invalid passenger trip chains.
6. Confirm with OK.
The forced chainings or passenger trip chains are deleted.