Creating chained up vehicle journey sections
You can insert chained up vehicle journey sections between vehicle journey sections (Fundamentals: Forced chainings).
Note: In addition, you can insert forced chainings between all adjacent block items by fixing line blocks (Fixing a line block). |
Setting forced chainings between adjacent vehicle journey sections
1. Open the Line block editor (Opening the Line block editor).
2. In the block view, mark adjacent vehicle journey sections.
3. Right-click one of the marked vehicle journey sections.
The shortcut menu opens.
4. Select the Create forced chainings entry.
The forced chaining is inserted. In the block view, the forced chaining is displayed as a double line between the vehicle journey sections.
Setting chained up vehicle journey sections between any vehicle journey sections
1. Open the Line block editor (Opening the Line block editor).
2. In the block view, right-click the desired origin vehicle journey section.
Note: You can highlight the vehicle journey section in the lower section of the display, or in the upper section, which shows the free actions (Editing the time of the day change). |
The context menu opens.
3. Select the Edit forced chainings entry.
The Edit chained up vehicle journey section for vehicle journey section <...> window opens.
Tips: Alternatively, you can open the window as follows: In the tabular or graphical timetable, right-click the desired vehicle journey section and click Edit chained up vehicle journey sections on the shortcut menu. Via the icon |
4. Click the Define chained up vehicle journey section button.
A wizard opens window Define chaining for vehicle journey section <...>. Here, you can specify filter criteria for possible chained up vehicle journey sections.
Note: If you use a weekly calendar or an annual calendar, define the relevant calendar days for the chained up vehicle journey section in a first step (Weekly calendar and Annual calendar). |
5. Make the desired changes.
Element |
Description |
Show only destination vehicle journey sections that have the same service days |
If the option has been selected, only destination vehicle journey sections are displayed whose service day matches. |
Show only destination vehicle journey sections that are the same in terms of vehicle |
If the option has been selected, only destination vehicle journey sections are displayed whose vehicle matches. |
Show only available destination vehicle journey sections |
If the option has been selected, only destination vehicle journey sections are displayed which have no chained up vehicle journey section yet. |
Consider only active lines |
If the option has been selected, only vehicle journey sections of active lines are displayed. |
Regard line selection |
If the option has been selected, only vehicle journey sections of lines of the current line selection are displayed in the timetable. Note If no lines are selected in the Timetable lines window, the option is not available. |
Show only vehicle journey sections that begin at the end stop point |
If the option has been selected, only vehicle journey sections are displayed that start at the end stop point of the selected vehicle journey section. |
Show only vehicle journey sections that begin at the end stop |
If the option has been selected, only vehicle journey sections are displayed that start at the end stop of the selected vehicle journey section. |
Only chained up vehicle journey sections with a maximum duration (empty time) of |
Use the input field to specify the maximum duration of the empty time of the chained up vehicle journey section. |
6. Click the Next button.
Your settings are saved. A table is displayed with all possible destination vehicle journey sections for the chained up vehicle journey section.
7. From the list, select the desired destination vehicle journey section and mark it in the Selection column.
Note: In the columns IsPassengerTripChain and IsForcedChaining, you can identify and change the kind of possible chained up vehicle journey section. In column IsValid, Visum indicates whether a chained up vehicle journey section can be used for the destination vehicle journey section. |
Tips: You can arrange the list in ascending or descending order if you right-click the column header and select the desired sorting order. Via the icon |
8. Click the Finish button.
The chained up vehicle journey section is inserted and displayed in the Edit chained up vehicle journey section for vehicle journey section <...> window.
9. Confirm with OK.
In the block view, the forced chaining is displayed as a double line between the vehicle journey sections.
Adding the destination of a forced chaining
1. Open the Line block editor. Then, in the Block view, right click the forced chaining for which you want to add a destination (Opening the Line block editor).
A shortcut menu opens.
2. Click the Add destination of forced chaining entry.
For each calendar day of the display level, a new line block item is created for the destination vehicle journey of the forced chaining on this day.