Checking modifications

You can check whether two modifications are dependent on each other and whether they can be combined. You, for instance, check the dependency of modifications before changing the order they are applied in.

Checking independence between two modifications

This test allows you to check whether the same results are produced when you change the order the modifications are applied in. If the two modifications are dependent on each other, you can automatically change the entries in the DependentOn and Exclusion columns.

1.  Make sure the desired project is open (Editing basic settings of the project).

2.  In the Edit project window, click the Modifications tab.

3.  In the list, click the two modifications of your choice.

4.  Then click the  Check independency icon.

The two modifications are compared. A window opens, informing you whether the two modifications are independent or not. If they are dependent, the Modification ... and modification ... overlap window opens, showing the overlaps in a model transfer file. The Overlappings of modifications window is opened, offering you several options.

5.  Make the desired changes.



Do not change the dependencies and exclusions of the modifications ... and ...

Nothing is changed.

Remove the dependencies between the modifications ... and ... and retain the exclusions.

Deletes the entries of both modifications in the Dependent on column of the modifications list.

Remove the dependencies between the modifications ... and ..., add the two-way exclusions instead.

Deletes the entries of both modifications in the Dependent on column of the modifications list.

Adds entries in the Exclusion column.

Add the dependency of modification ... to ... and remove the two-way exclusions.

For the modification specified first, an entry is added in the Dependent on column, listing the name of the second modification. If required, the load order is then also changed.

If there are entries for these modifications in the Exclusion column, these are also deleted, if required.

6.  Click the Finish button.

The Edit project window opens again. Depending on the option activated, the entries in the Dependent on and Exclusion are changed.

Checking combinability of modifications

This test allows you to check whether modifications can be applied in the specified sequence in a scenario.

1.  Make sure the desired project is open (Editing basic settings of the project).

2.  In the Edit project window, click the Modifications tab.

3.  In the list, click the modifications of your choice.

4.  Then click the  Check combinability icon.

The two modifications are compared. A message window opens, informing you of whether the modifications can be combined or not.