Import of synthetic population data
The Synthetic population data import function allows you to import a synthetic population with its schedules. While a synthetic population is the basis of any ABM, schedules are needed primarily for ABMs where generation is data-based. Data-based generation means that the path chains of persons originate directly from a suitable survey. Thus, the import is customized for the ABM Nested Demand model type.
The import consists of two parts that can be used together or independently: One part refers to a synthetic population in the form of households and persons. The other part involves the import of schedules in the form of tours, trips, and activity executions. In the process, the schedules are attributed to one or more persons via household and person keys.
The import is based on a specific workflow: The result of a household survey with a path diary serves as a basis. Based on this, the synthetic population is generated with the software PopulationSim. The schedules are available as a simple list of trips. The import now first reads in the synthetic population and then generates the associated schedule from the trip list for each person via a household and person key. Matching tours and activity executions are automatically created and linked. Thus, the synthetic persons need a key that links them to their original schedule from the survey.