Using filters to set network objects active or passive

If you want to edit several network objects at the same time, you can filter them on the basis of specified attributes. You can thus limit the entire network to a specific selection of network objects.

By default, a filter affects the network objects of exactly one network object type (standard filter). However, there are also hierarchical filters, where the filter conditions of a network object type may affect other network object types, too (Working with hierarchical filters).

The following applies to standard filters:

  • Network objects, whose attributes comply with the filter settings, are set active.
  • Network objects, whose attributes do not comply with the filter settings, are set passive.

Notes: Network objects are only active if they comply with the current filter conditions and are contained in the spatial selection (Setting network objects active/passive via the spatial selection).

The OD pair filter works differently. It filters OD pairs between active zones (Modeling demand).

The GIS object filter does not apply to all network objects of the network object type, but just for one category of the GIS objects.

The POI filter is defined per category. Optionally, it also applies to the POIs of its subcategories. Furthermore, there is a filter over all POIs.

The Network > Network statistics menu provides an overview of how many network objects per network object type are currently contained in the spatial selection, how many are filtered and how many are active (Checking the state of all network objects).

Video: How To Use Filters

All How To videos for PTV Visum


Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2024/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The example Filter shows the use of complex filters.