Reading filters

You can import all filter settings of the network or of individual network object types.

Reading all filters

1.  On the Filter menu, click Open filter file.

The Open: Filter window opens.

Tip: You can also call the Open: Filter window via menu File > Open >Open file > > Filters.

2.  Select the desired file.

3.  Click the Open button.

The Read filter window opens.

4.  Select the network object filters that you want to read in.



Reset existing filters first

Alle Reset all filters first

If the option has been selected, all currently set filters which are not contained in the filter file are initialized when reading the filters.

Uncheck all

Use this button to deselect all network object filters.

Check all

Use this button to select all network object filters.

Note: Network object filters are grayed out in the list if they are not contained in the filter file.

5.  Confirm with OK.

The selected network object filters are read in.

Alternative method
  • ►  On the toolbar, select the desired filter file via the small triangle next to Filter files and click the entry.

Notes: The list contains all filter files that are stored in the set project directory (Saving a project directories file).

You can also delete filter files directly from the project directory using the Delete filter entry.

Reading filters for individual network object types

1.  Open the filter window of the required network object type.

2.  In the Filter for ... window, click the Load/save filter button.

All available filters are listed.

3.  Select the name of the desired filter file from the list.

Notes: In the filter windows that contain several network objects (for lines, for example), you will find the button on the tab pages of the individual network object types. The filter then only contains the filter settings for the respective network object type.

In the POI filter, the filter settings are read in for each category and the filter is only read in for the selected category.

The settings of the options Use filter, Complement, Undirected and Include sub-categories are also taken from the imported file.

The selected filter is read in.