Generating zones for stop areas

You can assign demand between stop areas by generating zones for the stop areas. In the process, missing zones, connectors, and access nodes are created for all or all active stop areas.

1.  In the Network window, right-click the Zones button.

The Zones shortcut menu opens.

2.  Select the Generate zones for stop areas entry.

Tip: You can also find the same function under Stop areas.

The Generate zones and demand matrices for stop areas window opens.

3.  Make the desired changes.



Only for active stop areas

If the option is selected, zones and zone demand matrices are generated only for active stop areas.

Type of generated zones

Enter the desired zone type for the newly inserted zones (0..99).

Select stop area matrices

Select one or several stop area matrices, if needed.

If stop area matrices are selected, a new zone demand matrix is created for each stop area matrix. These are then populated with the demand values of the active stop areas of the stop area matrix.

The new matrices contain the previously existing zones and additionally the zones generated from the stop areas. The relations from and to the previously existing zones always have the value 0.


You have to go to the Demand > Demand data menu and connect the newly created matrices to the demand segments before calculating an assignment.

4.  Confirm with OK.

The zones are generated.