Editing the display properties of attributes

In the right window section, specify how the selected attributes shall be displayed when output. The settings that you can specify depend on the type of the attribute. In the List view and the Quick view, the <Network object type>: select attributes window contains additional functionalities. They are used to define an aggregated view.




Name of the selected attribute

You cannot edit the name of the attribute.


(in list view only)

You can aggregate network objects with the same attribute value in one row. If you activate this option for an attribute, for all other attributes (or columns) you need to specify how their attribute values shall be aggregated. You can specify a grouping for one or multiple columns.

Example: You want to determine the average length of links of type 20. For that purpose, group the links by attribute TypeNo in the list. This aggregates all links of type 20 in one row. For the length attribute, select the aggregate function Average. Visum then determines the average length of links of type 20 and displays the value in the Avg(Length) column.

Aggregate function

(only in list view and Quick view)

Here you determine which aggregate function shall be used (Selecting an aggregate function for a column in a grouped list).


(only in list view and Quick view)

If you have selected Weighted average as aggregate function, weighting 1.0 is set as a default. Click the box and the Attribute (<Network object type>) window opens where you can select the attribute by which you want to weight (Selecting an aggregate function for a column in a grouped list).

This option is only available for numerical attributes.

Decimal places

Number of displayed decimal places

You can use these buttons to increase or decrease the number of decimal places.

The option is only available for attributes of the type floating-point number.

You can edit the default value (Settings for decimal places, aggregation functions, and connecting journeys).


If the option has been selected, the set output unit with the attribute value is displayed in the Format column.

This option is only available to times and lengths.

Text alignment

The alignment of the attribute value in the column of the output list

For numerical attributes, we recommend a right alignment, for alphanumerical attributes a left alignment.


For some attributes you can specify the format in which the attribute values shall be output by using the drop-down list. The format also affects the data entry (Editing attribute values in a list):

  • Scientifical: Some numerical attributes can be output in scientific notation. The numbers are output in exponential notation which leads to an abbreviated display of large numerical values. Example: 0.000234 would be 2.34e-004 in scientific notation.
  • Times can be displayed in seconds (s), minutes (m) or hours (h) or in the formats hh:mm and hh:mm:ss.
  • Lengths can be displayed in different units (e.g. kilometers or meters).

In the basic settings, you can specify whether the data shall be output in metric or in imperial units (Specifying standard units for length and speed).

  • For example, by default, volumes are displayed in their respective unit (e.g. vehicles, PCU, passengers). They can, however, also be displayed as percentages of the total volume or in scientific notation.

Use the arrow to move one or several attribute up in the list. To do this mark the attribute and click the arrow.

Use the arrow to move one or several attribute down in the list. To do this mark the attribute and click the arrow.

Specifying analysis time intervals for attributes with a time reference

In case of attributes that refer to a specific time period, for example the volume, you first need to specify the analysis time slot for which you want to display the attribute value, and then the attribute. For each selected analysis time slot, an entry will be added. The time slot will be added in brackets to the attribute name.

If required, you can also apply the analysis time slot selected to attributes already selected (Fundamentals: Spatial and temporal correlations in Visum).

1.  Make sure that the <Network object type>: select attributes window is open.

2.  Click the button next to the Preset the analysis time slots label.

Note: The button is labeled with the currently selected analysis time slots. If no analysis time slot has been selected, the button is labeled with ....

The Preset the analysis time slots window opens.

3.  In the drop-down list, select one or several entries. To select multiple entries press and hold down the Ctrl key and click the desired entries.



Select none

Use this button to cancel an earlier selection of entries.

Select all

Use this button to select all entries at the same time.

Notes: If you preselect one or several time slots, attributes with a time reference are displayed without subentries in the navigator. In this case, if you add an attribute with a time reference to the list in the upper section, the attribute is added for each applicable analysis time slot.

If you do not select an analysis time slot, attributes with a time reference are displayed with subentries in the navigator. The subentries correspond to the existing analysis time slots. In this case, in the navigator you can select the attribute directly with the desired analysis time slot.

4.  Confirm with OK.

A query opens.




If there is already an attribute with a time reference in the list in the upper section of the window, for this attribute, an entry will be inserted for each selected analysis time slot. Entries with other analysis time slots will be removed. If you have not selected an analysis time slot, one entry each will be inserted for all existing analysis time slots.


If, in the list in the upper section of the window, there already is an attribute with a time reference, it will not be changed.

5.  Confirm with Yes.

The button is labeled with the set analysis time slots. As soon as you add an attribute with a time reference, an entry is added for each selected analysis time slot.