Creating time intervals for standard time series

1.  On the Demand menu, click Demand data.

The Demand data window opens.

2.  Select the Standard time series tab.

3.  In the list, click the standard time series you want to define time intervals for and allocate demand to.

4.  Click the  Edit symbol.

The Edit time series window opens.

5.  Click the Create symbol.

A time interval is added.

6.  Make the desired changes.

Standard time series of the type: time series by percentage



Start day

First day of the time interval

Start time

Start time of the time interval in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)

End day

Last day of the time interval


The time series may cover multiple days.

End time

End time of the time interval in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)


Relative share of travel demand of total volume with desired departure time in respective time interval


Percentage of travel demand with desired departure time in respective time interval


Based on the weight, this value is calculated automatically.

Accumulated share

Cumulative percentage of travel demand with desired departure time in respective time interval


Based on the calculated percentage shares, this value is calculated automatically.

Standard time series of the time series of matrix numbers type



Start day

First day of the time interval

Start time

Start time of the time interval in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)

End day

Last day of the time interval


The time series may cover multiple days.

End time

End time of the time interval in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss)

Matrix reference

You can use the button to assign each time interval a demand matrix that contains the OD demand and the desired departure time within the respective time interval (Selecting matrices).


Reference to the selected matrix

Note: If you connect the standard time series to a demand segment via demand time series (Combining demand time series and demand segment), Start day, Start time, End day and End time are counted from start day and start time of the standard time series. These are set under Demand > Demand data > on tab Demand segments > Start at.

7.  Add further time intervals, if applicable.

Note: The time intervals need to be in ascending order and may not overlap.

8.  Confirm with OK.

The time intervals and OD demand are saved. On the Standard time series tab, the values of the attributes Start time and End time are adjusted.

Tip: Alternatively, you can create multiple time intervals with the same duration (Creating multiple time intervals of identical length).

Note: For a timetable-based assignment, you can refine the intervals by dividing them into time spans of equal length (homogeneous distribution of demand) (Timetable-based assignment: Basis page).