Creating multiple time intervals of identical length

1.  On the Demand menu, click Demand data.

The OD demand data window opens.

2.  Select the Standard time series tab.

3.  In the list, click the standard time series you want divide into multiple intervals of the same length.

4.  Click the  Edit symbol.

The Edit time series window opens.

5.  Click the  Create multiple time series symbol.

The Create multiple time series entries window opens.

6.  Make the desired changes.



Start day

First day of the first time interval of the set of intervals

Start time

Start time in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss) of the first time interval of the set of intervals on start day

End day

Last day of the last time interval of the set of intervals

End time

End time in time format (hh or hh:mm or hh:mm:ss) of the last time interval of the set of intervals on last day

Time period

Duration (in [minutes]) of the time intervals you want to insert.

7.  Confirm with OK.

The time intervals are created.