Calculate split factors

The procedure enables the transformation of demand matrices based on a zone system other than the current one (Fundamentals: Calculation of split factors for the integration of external matrices).

1.  On the toolbar, click the Open 'Procedure sequence' window button .

The Procedure sequence window opens.

2.  In the desired position of the procedure sequence, insert the Calculate split factors operation of the Miscellaneous category (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

3.  Make sure that the operation is marked and click the Edit button in the Operations section.

The Parameters: Calculate split factors window opens.

4.  Make the desired changes:



Objects of the source system / target system

Select the objects that you want to intersect.

The source system is the zone system with the matrix that is to be transformed into the target system (current zone system).

Only active ones

If this option has been selected, only active objects are considered.

Buffer size

You can allocate a buffer to point objects in order to intersect them. Enter the desired size in meters.

Use additional weighting system

The additional weighting system is optional. By default, the object type of the weighting system is set to the type of the target system.

Weighting attribute

Select an attribute of the set weighting system.

Values from non-intersected surfaces of the source system

Here you can influence how surfaces of source objects that do not overlap with objects in the target system are included in the calculation of the split factors.

Do not transfer to the target system

If this option is selected, values from non-intersected surfaces are not transferred to the target system.

Transfer proportionally to the target system

If this option is selected, values from non-intersected surfaces are distributed proportionally to objects in the target system.

Threshold value for overlaps

Enter a threshold value if required.

An intersection of two objects of the source and target system is not taken into account if its relevant share of the source and target area is smaller than the threshold value.

Save split factors to user-defined table

At the end of the procedure, the calculated split factors are saved to a column in a user-defined table.

Name of the table

Selection of the table in which the values shall be saved.

If required, insert a user-defined table by clicking on the plus symbol (Managing user-defined tables)

Delete existing table entries

If the option is selected, existing table entries are deleted in advance. If not, newly calculated factors overwrite existing table entries or are appended.

Key number in source system / target system

Here you define the table entries for the allocation. If required, you can create new user-defined attributes by clicking the symbol.

Split factor

Select the attribute in which the newly calculated split factors shall be saved.

5.  Confirm with OK.

The split factors are calculated and saved to the table.