Using PuT network objects to make settings for flow bundle conditions

For PuT network objects only passenger type and PuT supply can be reduced further. For example, you select boarding passengers for a specific line only. Or you select transfers from one operator to another. Various combined flow bundle calculations, for example, of boarders and changers, or alighters and changers at stops, are also possible.

1.  Make sure that the Graphics tools (Flow bundle) window is open.

2.  Select a row with a PuT network object stop, stop point, stop area or Sharing station and click the button in the Condition column.

The Edit flow bundle term window opens.

3.  Select the Passenger types tab.

4.  Make the desired changes.



Origin boardings

If this option has been selected, all passengers boarding at the selected network object are taken into account.

Destination alightings

If this option has been selected, all passengers alighting at the selected network object are taken into account.


If this option has been selected, all passengers transferring at the selected network object are taken into account.

'Through' passengers with stop event

If this option has been selected, passengers passing through the selected network object with a stop are taken into account.

'Through' passengers without stop event

If the option has been selected, passengers passing through the selected network object without stopping are taken into account.

Notes: At a stop or stop area with more than one allocated stop point, a path is considered as Through passengers without stop event if the time profile used by it passes through one of the stop points without stopping, even if boarding or alighting is permitted at another stop point of the same stop.

The following applies to Sharing stations: Passengers boarding at the origin are passengers who have only used PuT walk before entering the Sharing system, passengers alighting at the destination only use PuT walk after alighting. All other boardings / alightings are passengers transferring.

5.  Click the Supply tab.

6.  Make the desired changes.

Notes: The left section of the window is for destination alighters, alighting passengers prior to changing, and for through passengers. The right section is relevant for passengers boarding at the origin and for passengers boarding after a transfer. For transferring passengers, enter the conditions for the PuT supply used by the passenger arriving at the network object. In the right-side section, enter the conditions for the PuT supply used by the passenger to continue his/her trip.

Both columns of the window are always displayed; only options that are relevant to the selected passenger types are available.



Drop-down list

Use the drop-down list to select the public transport supply for which you want to set the condition.


In the list, select the network objects that have to be used by the selected network object.


You can, for example, also select all entries simultaneously using the shortcut menu.

Select all

Selects all entries currently displayed in the list.

Select none

Removes all entries from the selection.

Invert selection

Inverts the current selection.

Select active ones

Selects all network objects in the displayed list that are currently active.

Display only supply at ...

If this option has been selected, only the supply operating at the selected network object will appear in the list.


This option for example applies to all flow bundles via nodes or links and for flow bundles via stop points, stops and stop areas for which transfers are not regarded.

If this option has been selected, the entire transport supply will be displayed in the list.

In some cases ((main) zone flow bundle, stop point/stop/stop area flow bundle for transfers) lines may be relevant that do not operate directly at the selected network object, but can be reached via a walk link.

Also PuT-Walk TSys

Select this option to also include paths using a transport system of the type Walk at the selected network object.


For a zone of the traffic type Origin traffic, for example, all paths, which use a PuT walk link after the origin connector node will be taken into account, irrespective of the following PuT path leg.

For transfers, also all paths using a PuT walk link after or before the transfer are taken into account.

If this option has not been selected, only paths which use the selected PuT supply at the selected network object will be taken into account.


For zones of the traffic type Origin traffic only paths whose first PuT path leg uses the selected PuT services will be taken into account. A PuT walk link may precede.

For transfers only paths which include path legs using the selected PuT supply directly before or after the transfer will be taken into account. There must be no PuT walk link in-between.

Also PuT-Aux TSys

Select this option to also include paths using a transport system of the type PuT-Aux at the selected network object.

If this option has not been selected, paths with an additional transport system before or after the selected network object will not be taken into account.

Also PrT transport systems

Select this option to also include paths using a transport system of the type PrT transport systems at the selected network object.


The option allows the volume from DRT systems to be distinguished from line and walk-TSys.

7.  Confirm with OK.

The settings are applied.