Headway-based assignment: Search tab

In this tab you configure the parameters for the PuT path search.

PuT supply



Consider only active time profiles

If this option has been checked, only active time profiles are considered for path search.


According to coordination groups

Coordination groups for time profiles on shared sections are taken into account for the calculation of transfer wait time and start wait time for these time profiles (Coordination).


You need to create the coordination groups in advance (Coordination groups for headway-based assignment).

Uncheck coordination

Neither new coordinations are generated nor existing coordination groups are considered.

Coordination everywhere

At each stop, all time profiles that depart from this stop (boarding permitted) and that serve the same next stop (alighting permitted) are considered coordinated.

Connecting journeys

Use connecting journeys

The transfer wait time calculation will take pre-defined transfer wait times between transport systems or time profiles at stops into account for those time profiles (Fundamentals: Matched transfers).


The transfer wait times need to be specified in advance (Stops: Wait times tab).

Ignore connecting journeys

The transfer time between two lines at a stop results from the transfer walk time listed in the transfer walk time matrix (Stops: Walk times / stop areas tab) and the random wait time for a vehicle journey of the successor line.

Assume coordinated time profiles to be undistinguishable

If this option has been checked, the time profiles in the coordinated time profile bundle are not distinguishable. Headway and impedance are irrelevant. Instead, the headway is calculated based on the service frequency (Fundamentals: Assume coordinated time profiles to be undistinguishable).

If this option has not been checked, the passengers are able to distinguish between individual time profiles in a coordinated bundle. In this case, their choice depends on the attributes of the respective time profile.

Choice model



Passenger information

Additional information a passenger has available, besides headways and PuT line times (Fundamentals: Choice models for boarding decisions)

None (optimal strategies)

The passenger has no further information. The headways are distributed exponentially.

None (constant headways)

The passenger has no further information. The headways are constant.

Elapsed wait time

The passenger uses information on the elapsed wait time. The headways are constant.

Departures from stop area

At the stop, the passenger has detailed information on the departure times of the PuT lines, e.g. from dynamic passenger information systems. The headways are constant.


If this option has been checked, two more options concerning Stop area info... are provided.

Complete information

Already in the origin zone, the passenger knows the departure times in detail. The headways are constant.

Use computation time-optimized algorithm

 If this option has been checked, an algorithm is used in which shortens the calculation time (Fundamentals: No information and exponentially distributed headways).


This option is only available if option None (’Optimal strategies‘) has been selected as passenger information.

Discrete choice model (Logit) between different boarding stop areas

If this option has been checked, a discrete choice model is used to model the stop choice behavior of passengers prior to boarding or transfer events. If this option is checked, into the field, enter the Logit parameter Beta (Modeling the choice on the basis of estimates).

If this option has not been checked, all passengers chose the best alternative according to expectancy.


This option is grayed-out if the option Complete information has been selected for Passenger information.

Discrete choice model (Logit) between stay on board and alight

If this option has been checked, a discrete choice model is used to model the behavior of passengers when deciding whether to stay on board or to alight. If this option is checked, into the field, enter the Logit parameter Beta (Modeling the choice on the basis of estimates).

If this option has not been checked, all passengers chose the best alternative according to expectancy.


This option is grayed-out if the option Complete information has been selected for Passenger information.

Stop area info includes departures from different stop areas

If this option is checked, information on lines serving stops nearby is also provided at the stop (Extended applicability of the departure time model).


This option is only relevant if the option Departures from stop area has been selected for Passenger information.

Stop area info is already available in the vehicle

If this option is checked, information on departure times from the next stop is provided in the vehicle for passengers who intend to alight at the next stop (Extended applicability of the departure time model).


This option is only relevant if the option Departures from stop area has been selected for Passenger information.




Ignore path if share <

and <=

* maximum share

Paths are ignored if two conditions are satisfied.

  • During the choice, the path's share in demand would go below a certain absolute value.
  • During the choice, the path's share in demand would be smaller - by the entered factor between 0 and 1 - than the maximum share.

The first condition guarantees that the run time of the procedure does not increase due to the evaluation of paths that are very unlikely to have a minimum impedance.

The second condition avoids the deletion of all paths of an OD pair.

Delete dominated routes

If this option has been checked, all dominated paths are deleted prior to the route choice and will not be loaded. A path is dominated by another path if the following applies:

  • Both paths are located on the same OD pair.
  • Both paths use the same sequence of time profiles (in the same order).
  • Both paths contain the same start stop and end stop.
  • The dominated path has a longer total journey time, e.g. for less convenient transfer stops.

Calculation method



Precise method up to

The value indicates up to which number of alternatives the precise method is to be used.

Default: 30

Value range: 1 to 500


In case of a high number of alternatives, an iterative, approximate calculation is used. An approximate calculation is inevitable when there are too many suitable options at a decision point (e.g. a boarding stop) so that an accurate calculation is no longer arithmetically reliable. This is the case from 30 options on. The polynomial to be integrated then has level 30 and very high coefficients as a rule.

Number of iterations when using the approximation method

The number of iterations per step regulates the accuracy of the approximate share calculation. The more iterations calculated, the more accurate the result.