Timetable-based assignment: Headway-based supply page



Run time is headway-based

Select the user-defined attribute that sets the headway.


If no attribute is selected, the other options on this page are not available.

The headway-based time profiles must have a headway greater than 0. A headway 0 is not allowed, the headways are otherwise not restricted.

Consider only active time profiles

If this option has been selected, only active time profiles are considered in the headway-based calculation.


According to coordination groups

Coordination groups for time profiles on shared sections are taken into account for the calculation of transfer wait time and start wait time for these time profiles (Coordination).


You need to create the coordination groups in advance (Coordination groups for headway-based assignment).

Uncheck coordination

Neither new coordinations are generated nor existing coordination groups are considered.

Coordination everywhere

At each stop, all time profiles that depart from this stop (boarding permitted) and that serve the same next stop (alighting permitted) are considered coordinated.

Connecting journeys

Use connecting journeys

The transfer wait time calculation will take pre-defined transfer wait times between transport systems or time profiles at stops into account for those time profiles (Fundamentals: Matched transfers).


The transfer wait times need to be specified in advance (Stops: Wait times tab).

Ignore connecting journeys

If the option is selected, specified transfer wait times are ignored.

Section Headway

The start times of the time intervals are stored in the table. You can create new time intervals using the Create button.