Calculating skim matrices from path sequences

You can calculate skim matrices based on the results of a multimodal assignment.

1.  Make sure your settings for the individual skim matrices are correct (Setting metadata for skim matrices).

2.  Make sure your settings for the skim matrices are correct (Setting parameters for the calculation of skim matrices from path sequence sets).

3.  On the toolbar, click the  Open 'Procedure sequence' window button.

The Procedure sequence window opens.

4.  Add the Calculate skim matrix from path sequences procedure of the Multimodal category to the position of your choice within the procedure sequence (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

5.  In the row of the newly inserted procedure, in the Reference object(s) column, click the button.

The Path sequence sets window opens.

6.  Mark the desired path sequence sets for which you want to calculate skim matrices.

7.  Confirm with OK.

8.  Execute the procedure (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).

The skim matrices are calculated.

Tip: You can display the matrices (Managing, showing and analyzing matrices)