Settings for coupling vehicle journeys

Couplings are created between vehicle journeys that run on a common section with the same departure and arrival times. You can make further restrictions:



Only active vehicle journeys

If the option is selected, only active vehicle journey items are taken into account (Setting single network objects active or passive).

Couple only vehicle journeys with the same transport system

If the option is selected, only vehicle journeys with the same transport system will be coupled.

Couple only vehicle journeys with the same operator

If the option is selected, only vehicle journeys of the same operator are coupled.

The vehicle journeys must have equal lengths on the common section

If the option is selected, only vehicle journeys of the same length on the common section are coupled.

The vehicle journeys must have the same permissibilities for board/alight on the common section

If the option is selected, only vehicle journeys with equal permissions for boarding and alighting on the common section are coupled. In this case, the boarding location may differ at the first time profile item of a common section, and the alighting location may differ at the last time profile item.

Minimal route course share in common (measured in link length)

You can use the input field to specify a percentage for the minimum share of the common route course of the coupled vehicle journeys.

Minimum length of the common route course (measured in link length)

You can use the input field to specify a length in kilometers for the minimum common route course of the coupled vehicle journeys.