Saving a list layout

You have two possibilities of saving list layouts.

First possibility

1.  Make sure that the list window of the required list is open.

2.  Make the desired changes to the list settings (Adjusting the list layout).

3.  On the List (<Network object type>) menu, click Save layout.

The Save list layout window opens.

4.  Save the file to the desired folder.

The settings are saved as *.lla file.

Second possibility

1.  Make sure that the list window of the required list is open.

2.  Make the desired changes to the list settings (Adjusting the list layout).

3.  On the toolbar, click the List layout files entry.

4.   Click the Add button.

5.  Click the symbol or press the Enter key.

The settings are saved to an *.lla file in the project directory specified for list layout files (Opening and saving a project directories file).

Notes: You can change the names of saved list layout files directly in the list or overwrite and delete existing list layout files. Use the symbols that appear when you move the mouse over an entry in the list.

If you delete a list layout in the list via the symbol, it is not only removed from the display, but deleted entirely.

Saving a list layout as standard layout

Internally, Visum uses a standard layout for each list type. When opening a list, it is displayed in the standard layout of the list type. You can edit the standard layout of a list by saving the edited layout as standard layout.

1.  Make sure that the list window of the required list is open.

2.  Make the desired changes to the list settings.

3.  On the List (<Network object type>) menu, click Save layout as standard layout.

The settings are saved to an std_*.lla file, for example std_links.lla for links, in your home directory.

Notes: The user-defined standard layout is used for each new list window of the list type.

If you want to use the Visum-internal standard layout again, you have to delete the user-defined standard layout in your home directory.