Reading graphic parameters of the Network editor window

If you have saved your settings to a graphic parameters file *.gpax or *.gpa, you can read in your graphic settings as follows. There are several ways to read in graphic settings.

Load all or selected graphic parameters of the Network editor window

1.  On the File menu, point to Open file, and then click Graphic parameters.

The Open: Graphic parameter window opens.

2.  Open the desired file.

3.  Confirm with OK.

The Reading graphic parameters: Select window opens.

4.  Make the desired changes.



Read all graphic parameters

If the option has been selected, all graphic parameters are read in.

Read selected parameters

If the option has been selected, the graphic parameters selected in the list are read in.


List of all graphic parameters


If the option has been selected, the corresponding graphic parameters are read in.


The option is only available if the corresponding parameters are contained in the file.


If the option has been selected, the corresponding graphic parameter is added to the existing graphic parameters.


The option is only available for background items.

Uncheck all

Use this button to deactivate all options.

Check all

Use this button to select all options of the Read column. The selection shown in the Additively column will be deleted.

Restrict to network-independent parameters

If the option has been selected, the following parameters are not read in:

  • Window coordinates
  • Bing Maps backgrounds
  • Backgrounds
  • Background polygons
  • Background texts
  • Turn volumes
  • Desire line Zones Text position
  • Column charts
  • Flow bundle


This option is not provided if you read a *.gpax file. It is only available if you read a *.gpa file.

5.  Confirm with OK.

The graphic parameters of the Network editor window are loaded.

Alternative method
  • ►  On the toolbar, select the desired graphic parameters file by clicking the respective entry using the small black triangle next to Graphic parameters files.

Note: From the list, you can select all graphic parameters files *.gpta that are saved in the specified project directory (Saving a project directories file).

The file is read in and the saved settings are applied.

Tips: Window Edit graphic parameters provides another possibility. Here, you can use the Open button to directly read in a *.gpax file from the desired directory.

You can also open a graphic parameters file automatically when you start the program ( Starting Visum with different settings) Furthermore, it is possible to drag and drop graphic parameter files into the desired window.

Selective reading of graphic settings of individual elements

You can open graphic settings of individual elements.

1.  In the navigator of the Edit graphic parameters window, right-click the element for which you want to open graphic parameters.

2.  Click the Open selectively... entry.

3.  Open the desired graphics file *.gpax.