Format $V
Square <Number of origin objects x number of destination objects> matrix with the following data:
- Number of objects (rows/columns)
- Network object numbers
- Origin traffic per origin object row
- Destination traffic per destination object column
Notes: The standard format is $V (with time interval and factor). The data formats are compatible for Visum and the tour-based model. |
$V (no decimal places)
* From To
0.00 24.00
* Factor
1:00 AM a.m.
* VISUM Developer
* 31.05.10
* Number of network objects
* Network object numbers
100 200 300
* Object 100 Total = 8
2 3 4
* Object 200 Total = 15
4 5 6
* Object 300 Total = 24
7 8 9
* Network object names
100 "ObjectA"
200 "ObjectB"
300 "ObjectC"
$V;D3 (three decimal places)
* From To
0.00 24.00
* Factor
1:00 AM a.m.
* VISUM Developer
* 31.05.11
* Number of network objects
* Network object numbers
100 200 300
* Object 100 Total = 7,500
1.500 2.500 3.500
* Object 200 Total = 15,000
4.000 5.000 6.000
* Object 300 Total = 24,000
7.000 8.000 9.000
* Network object names
100 "ObjectA"
200 "ObjectB"
300 "ObjectC"
Partial V format
PuT skim matrices can also be saved in the partial V format ($VM) if certain OD pairs have been selected by specifying the range of origin zones for skim value calculation.
* Transport mode number
* From To
0.00 .24.00
* Factor
1:00 AM a.m.
* created with: Visum Version 12.000
* created on: 31.05.11
* Matrix values: Journey time
* Network/VersFile: D:\PTV_Vision\VISUM\EXAMPLE.VER
* Assignment procedure: Timetable-based
* Analyzed OD pairs: All
* Aggregation: Avg value
* Weighted: Yes
* Demand segment: P;PuT
* Number of network objects
* Network object numbers
100 200 300
* Object 100 Total = 336
0 101 236
* Object 200 Total = 322
105 0 217
* Object 300 Total = 452
236 217 0
* Network object names
100 "A-Village"
200 "X-City"
300 "Y-City"