Data model for signal cycle and split optimization

For the procedure Signal cycle and split optimization, the following attributes of network objects are relevant:

Network object type



Signal controllers and subordinated objects

All attributes describing the signal times of the currently set signal program

Signal times and stage distribution in the initial state

Signal controller

Reference to signal coordination groups

At cycle time optimization with procedure parameter Use cycle times of coordination groups = true, only one member of the cycle time family of the coordination group is selected as a new cycle time.

Signal coordination group

Cycle time family

Signal controller

ICA maximum cycle time for optimization

ICA minimum cycle time for optimization

At cycle time optimization with procedure parameter Use cycle times of coordination groups = false, the new cycle time is selected from the interval between these two attributes.

Signal controller

Optimization method

None (signal time optimization for the signal controller at this node)

Green time

Cycle time and green time

Signal controller

Turned off

If the signal controller has been turned off, no signal time optimization will be calculated for the node (main node).

This attribute is calculated and derived from the value for the signal program number attribute. A signal controller is considered to be switched off if the signal program number is 0 (Vissig type) or 99 (RBC type), or if an invalid signal program number is set.


The attribute for the design hourly volume set in the procedure parameters

Turn volumes

Specify this value as an hourly volume.

Node model and subordinate objects

All geometry attributes

Lane allocation at node

Optimization is controlled by the following procedure parameters (components of the procedure parameters for intersection capacity analysis):

Procedure parameter

Data type (Standard)



Bool (True)

At cycle time optimization with procedure parameter UseCycleTimeFamily=True, only one member of the cycle time family of the coordination group (if available) is selected as a new cycle time.

Precision of computation

Full seconds or tenths of seconds

Use this parameter to specify whether full seconds or tenths of a second are permitted as green time start and end (RBC only).

With Vissig controls, this is determined by the switching frequency of the signal controller.