Executing procedures in the procedure sequence

You have the following possibilities to execute procedures in the procedure sequence:

To execute a procedure sequence, you must insert at least one procedure into the sequence (Adding procedures to the procedure sequence).

Prior to the execution Visum verifies, whether the parameters have been set correctly for the procedures. An error message appears if an error has been detected. In this case, the procedure sequence is not executed.

Status information on execution of the procedure is displayed in the Procedure sequence window, in the following columns:

  • Success: The entry x indicates that the recent execution was successful.
  • StartTime: Indicates the start time of the last procedure carried out. The data is overwritten when you rerun the procedure.
  • Duration: Duration of the last execution during the current Visum session.
  • Messages: Warnings and error messages that were returned during the execution of the procedure. These are listed even if the output of warnings is suppressed (Specifying settings for protocol files).
  • ResultMessage: Final message including additional information about the executed procedure.

You can customize the display of the columns via the Edit attribute selection symbol .

The execution of the procedure sequence can be recorded to the log file (Using protocol files). If an error occurs during the execution, an error message will appear and the procedure sequence will be terminated at this point. For corresponding information please refer to the message file.