General Transit Feed (GTFS) import

Visum provides an interface for importing network and timetable information from General Transit Feed data.

The importer reads the individual General Transit Feed files and creates corresponding network objects in Visum, which represent the PuT supply. The importer uses information from the files and generates the following network objects in Visum:

  • Nodes and links as dependent objects during the creation of stop points and line routes
  • Stops, stop areas, and stop points from the stops.txt file
  • Lines from the routes.txt file
  • Vehicle journeys and necessary network objects of the line hierarchy, route chains, from the files trips.txt, stop_times.txt, and shapes.txt
  • Transfer walk times between stop areas from the transfers.txt file
  • Operators from the agency.txt file
  • Valid days from the files calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt

Note: If your license does not include the Calendar add-on, you will receive a warning during the import process. You can confirm the warning and continue the import. You can use the result, but all vehicle journeys are marked as daily, regardless of restrictions in the original data.

1.  From the File menu, choose Export > General Transit Feed.

2.  Make the desired changes.



Import from file

You can either select a GTFS zip file directly or navigate to a Directory containing the desired import files.

Timetable period section


Start of the validity period


End of the validity period

Date filter

If this option is selected, you can choose a single day from the validity period for the import. The validity period is determined from the files calender.txt and calender_dates.txt.

Import exact route courses section

If this option is selected, the exact route courses are imported and you can make further settings:

  • Create multiple stop points for stops on different courses

If this option is selected, multiple stop points are imported for stops on different route courses. Use the option Maximum distance between course and stop point to create a maximum distance between route course and stop point.


  • Skip unnecessary nodes on route courses

If this option is selected, you can specify values for the following conditions that determine whether a node is skipped and thus not imported:

Length of adjacent links is shorter than: Enter a value in the input field for the sum of the link lengths of the links adjacent to the nodes. If the value falls below the specified value, the node is skipped.

Angle smaller than ° and link length shorter than

Specify a value for the angle and a minimum length for links that cause the node to be skipped.

Default settings

Default transfer walk time

Specify a value for the transfer walk time between stop areas that is used if no other specification exists.

Maximum time for passenger trip chain

Specify a value for the maximum duration of a passenger trip chain.

Post-processing section

Aggregate lines and vehicle journeys

If this option is selected, the generated line routes are aggregated automatically in Visum.

Determine suggestions for operating periods

If the option is selected, Visum uses the imported operating days to determine suggestions for Visum operating periods, which can reduce the number of required operating days.


Subsequent editing of the data is important if the data is from a system that is based on operating days.

Video: How To Import General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Data

All How To videos for PTV Visum