Exception: Filter for OD pairs

The filter for OD pairs is fundamentally different from the network object filters since it exclusively filters origin-destination pairs between zones and PuT paths. Thus, it does not serve to set individual network objects active or passive (Modeling demand). The filter for OD pairs allows you to filter and display PuT volumes and indicators in the network specifically for OD pairs and PuT paths. Hereby, the filter conditions for PuT paths are subordinated to OD pair conditions.

Path sequences and their items cannot be filtered directly by the OD pair filter. A path sequence and its items are active if the OD pair is contained in the OD pair filter from its From-zone to its To-zone. The OD pair filter affects the entire relation.

The filters have an effect on the following lists if in the respective list under Selection the Filter for OD pairs entry has been selected.

  • PuT OD pairs
  • PuT paths
  • PuT path legs
  • Path sequences
  • Path sequence items

Filtered volumes are also output in the list PuT assignment statistics.

Note: The Main OD pairs filter provides the same filtering options for Main OD pairs as the filter for OD pairs for OD pairs. However, PuT paths cannot be filtered using this filter.