Creating a restricted traffic area

1.  In the Network editor window, click the Insert mode icon .

2.  In the Network window, click the Restr. traffic areas button.

3.  In the network, click the position where you want to insert the centroid of the restricted traffic area.

Tip: You specify settings for the newly inserted network object directly in the Quick view (Restricted traffic areas) window.

The attributes of restricted traffic areas are described here (Properties and options of restricted traffic areas).

The centroid of the restricted traffic area is inserted. You can now create a boundary. The optional boundary is used to calculate the area of the restricted traffic area and shows its spatial extent.

You can continue as follows:

  • If you do not want to define a boundary for the restricted traffic area, press the Esc key. The restricted traffic area is then inserted as a centroid without a boundary. You can specify the boundary later (Creating a boundary).
  • If you want to define a boundary for the restricted traffic area, proceed with (Creating a boundary) step 5.

Notes: Links can belong to several restricted traffic areas. Only in the case of matrix tolls may a link belong to only one restricted traffic area.

You can allocate links to a restricted traffic area later by allocating either a 0, i.e. no restricted traffic area, to the link attribute Restricted traffic area set in the link list, or the number of the desired restricted traffic area.

To model a link toll, the tolls must be defined in the link attribute Toll_PrTSys (Fundamentals: Link toll). In principle, link-specific toll values are always taken into account in the TRIBUT procedures. An exception are toll values of links that are located in a restricted traffic area of the matrix toll type. Here the toll values are ignored.