Stops: Walk times / stop areas tab

In the Walk times / stop areas tab, you can edit the matrix of the required transfer walk times of each transport system of the type PuTWalk between the stop areas of the stop.

You can enter the new values with or without a time unit (h, min, s). If you do not enter a unit, your entry is interpreted as minutes.



Drop-down list

Use the drop-down list to select the transport system of type PuTWalk for which you want to edit the transfer walk times.

Notes: If the transition between two stop areas is closed, 24h is grayed out in the field.

If a value other than 24h is entered, a transition is possible within the specified time.

When inserting a new stop area, Visum uses the walk time to existing stop areas specified under Edit > User preferences > Network > Stops.

Notes: If, for a stop, both specific walk times for transport system changes as well as walk times between stop areas have been defined, Visum will use the specific walk times for transport system changes in assignments for transfers between these transport systems.

If, on top of that, specific walk times have been defined for time profile changes, these will be used in assignments for transfers between these time profiles at the stop.

Notes: All entries of the walk times matrix which exceed the shortest (indirect) path between the two stop areas are highlighted in red. The tooltip displays the explanation and the time of the shortest path.

For assignments (headway-based, timetable-based), via different options, you can restrict the shortest path search within the stop to specific PuT Walk path legs.

The options can be found on menu Calculate > General procedure settings > PuT settings > Assignment (Restricting the walk link search).