Creating a stop point

In the network, you can create stop points on links or on a node.

Note: To create link stop points, in the Edit menu, deactivate the option Permit creation of link stop points under User preferences > Network > Stop point.

1.  In the Network editor window, click the Insert mode icon .

2.  In the Network window, click the Stop points button.

3.  In the network, click the position where you want to insert the stop point.

Notes: Based on the position of the mouse pointer, Visum recognizes the type of stop point you want to insert and shows you graphically. If the mouse pointer points to a node, the node is highlighted and a node stop point is inserted. If the mouse pointer is located next to a link, the link direction is highlighted and a directed link node is inserted. If the mouse pointer points directly to a link, both link directions are shown and an undirected link stop point is inserted.

You can make settings for the newly inserted network object directly in the Quick view (Stop points) window. If you want to display the Create stop point window when inserting the object, you can right-click the Stop points button in the Network window, activate Show dialogs when inserting objects, and directly adjust settings for the newly created network object (Properties and options of stop points).

The stop point is inserted in the network.

Note: By default, a stop and stop area are automatically inserted at the same position. To only add a new stop point, hold down the Ctrl button and click the position of your choice. Visum highlights the stop area the new stop point is assigned to.