Changing the image size and rotation angle of a POI

1.  In the Network editor window, click the Edit mode icon .

2.  In the Network window, click the POIs button.

3.  Click the POI to mark it.

4.  Right-click the POI.

A shortcut menu opens.

5.  Select the Edit image size and rotation angle entry.

The POI is displayed as follows:


6.  Enlarge or reduce the size of the POI by dragging one of the corners while holding down the mouse button.

7.  Rotate the POI by clicking one of its arrow heads, hold down the mouse button and drag it in the desired direction.

8.  Confirm with OK.

The image size and/or the rotation angle are changed.

Tip: You can also edit the image size and the rotation angle in the Edit POI window via the Use separate height and angle option (POIs: Basis tab).