Calculating and exporting ICA

In the Junction editor, you can start ICA calculations (ICA, Intersection Capacity Analysis) for the displayed node or main node, open ICA reports, recalculate ICA automatically and export ICA reports.

Notes: You can only make ICA calculations for nodes or main nodes of the type signalized, two-way stop, all-way-stop or roundabout. Signalized nodes without a signal controller or with a switched off signal controller are calculated with the control type two-way stop.

In addition, the Node impedance calculation (ICA) needs to be set as Method for impedance at node in the list of the Node view or under Calculate > General procedure settings > PrT settings > Node impedances.

Under Calculate > Network check, for the entire network, you can check if the ICA calculation is possible for the nodes or main nodes and if the respective nodes are modeled correctly (Checking the network and fixing errors). For a single node or main node, you can check the status to find out whether the calculation can be done (Checking the status of ICA calculations).